Welcome to Monarch Architecture

Whether it’s a new home, renovation, property master plan or light commercial project, Monarch Architecture works with you to create a design solution that uniquely fits your project’s needs.

Sustainable Design Resources

Monarch Architecture is excited about the role that architectural design can play in slowing climate change and becoming more resilient to its effects.  In choosing where and how to build, we can make decisions that can have a positive impact on our environment and community.


The following is a list of resources that we have found very helpful in expanding our knowledge and perspective on the broad and ever-evolving field of green building, especially as it relates to residential design and land use:


Green Building Advisor – A great resource for articles and Q&A archives related to residential wall assemblies and building science.  Becoming a member allows you to submit questions and comments as well.

Building Science Corporation – A building science consulting firm that conducts research and publishes articles on a wide range of construction and building performance topics.  John Straube’s research on straw bale construction in developing an understanding of how to manage moisture in straw bale wall assemblies.


475 High Performance Building Supply – This company says “they sell tape” but they do much more. They supply building products (like tape and building wraps, among other things) and knowledge that enable high-performance, vapor-open, airtight construction methods that do not rely on foam.  Adrienne worked with them to purchase Mento Plus for the Accessory Dwelling Unit construction.


Chris Magwood – Chris is a Canadian builder, author and researcher whom Adrienne consulted with while designing my Accessory Dwelling Unit.  He is experienced in a vast array of natural building methods and has done a lot to merge the fields of natural building with high-performance airtight construction. Additionally, his research on embodied carbon is helping to illustrate the climatological benefits of choosing low carbon building materials over other more carbon intensive “green” building materials.

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage – This ecovillage (among other intentional communities nearby) in northeast Missouri is perhaps the best collection of natural buildings in the midwest.  A wide range of natural building experiments, some more successful than others, are housed within a small geographical area.  Adrienne is grateful for these daring builders and the tours residents have shared of the structures.  

Lawrence Lile, PE – A professional mentor of Adrienne’s, Lawrence is an engineer, builder, building code educator, LEED AP and knower of many things green-building.

AccessoryDwellings.Org – The website discusses all things related to enabling and encouraging Accessory Dwelling Units (zoning, costs, financing, construction methods) for their many sustainable benefits. In part due to founder Kol Peterson’s consultation with a local advocacy group, Columbia, MO now allows Accessory Dwelling Units by right in certain zones and offers waived fees for their construction.

Favorite You-Tubers – Matt Risinger, a contractor, and Belinda Carr, an architect, are both great at explaining and critiquing green building products and concepts from their respective professional perspectives.

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